Member Spotlight
Dr. Carolyn Meltzer

In her latest article, “Women Leaders: Myths and Challenges” (J Am Coll Radiol, 2018), Dr. Carolyn C. Meltzer takes on gender bias and stereotypes that create a challenging environment for
women pursuing leadership positions. Drawing on her history of success as female trailblazer in
science, she confronts many of the unpalatable realities that women face in the workforce.
Dr. Meltzer identifies the systematic biases that find women between a “rock and a hard place”
when it comes to leadership, i.e. pitted between the “compassionate” and “analytical” extremes
of the gender stereotype spectrum. As you can probably imagine, the former is assumed of
women in the workplace, while the latter is an expected and preferred characteristic of leaders
who are traditionally male.
Ultimately, all is not hopeless, as Dr. Meltzer imparts her wisdom through strategies that combat
such stigmas. She urges women to develop a network of peer support that demonstrates female
leadership to other women, as well as attain self efficacy as a tool to achieve career goals while
maintaining personal values.
Dr. Meltzer is the William P. Timmie Professor and Chair of Radiology and Imaging Sciences and
Associate Dean for Research at Emory University School of Medicine. She is a neuroradiologist
and nuclear medicine physician whose translational research has focused on serotonin-mediated brain function in normal aging, dementia, and other late life neuropsychiatric disorders.
Dr. Meltzer is board certified in both Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, with
subspecialty certification in Neuroradiology and advanced training in positron emission tomography (PET). She also participated as a Fellow in the prestigious Hedwig van Ameringen Executive
Leadership in Academic Medicine Program for Women (ELAM). Under her leadership as
Department Chair, the Emory Radiology Leadership Academy was created and has now graduatedover 100 professionals.